航空电子系统 play a critical role in aircraft safety 和 performance. In an industry characterized by increasing complexity 和 rigor, manufacturers 和 designers must be confident in the reliability, 耐力, 和 safety of aircraft 和 engine components' sub-systems 和 full systems. Certainty can be achieved by completing comprehensive test programs simulating actual in-situ conditions, carried out at world-class facilities by industry-leading experts.
As the world’s largest independent testing company to the global 航空航天 sector, im体育APP is unrivaled in our scale, complexity 和 flexibility of test systems, 钻机和测试单元. Indoor 和 outdoor facilities dedicated to 航空航天 产品 Qualification 测试 (PQT) are specifically designed to reproduce conditions encountered in entire aircraft systems as well as subsystems 和 individual components in a controlled lab operating environment, enabling our customers access to an integrated simulation solution, complete with monitoring 和 observation of any synergistic effects. im体育APP has the capabilities to condition oil 和 燃料 to extreme temperatures, combined with any dynamic or climatic environment.
Our unique experience in hydraulic 和 pneumatic component 和 system simulation spans 40 years 和 includes the creation 和 management of test 和 simulation programs for the most recognized global aero engine companies 和 their component 和 system manufacturing partners.
To serve as the most trusted single source testing partner in the 航空航天 industry, im体育APP offers Hydraulic 和 Pneumatic 模拟 as part of our complete 航空航天 product qualification platform, which also includes Fuel 系统 测试 服务s 和 航空航天 环境 测试 (RTCA DO-160) 服务s.
Find out how im体育APP's comprehensive fuel system testing programs simulate in-服务 conditions at our world-class testing facilities.
30多年来, im体育APP木星 has been the go-to lab for challenging engineering projects for key Prime partners
im体育APP明尼阿波利斯 has been a leader in product qualification testing to 航空航天 和 Commercial sectors for over 50 years.
Our 服务 in 航空航天
Engaged in testing virtually every material, component 和 system on commercial aircraft, im体育APP's deliverable is mission critical, 确定.